Professor Eiji Shamoto
Towards next-generation metal cutting technology
12/1(六) 09:30 - 10:30 ( 銘珠講堂 )
Professor Eiji Shamoto,
Nagoya University, Japan
Presentation abstract(演講摘要):
The talk will discuss research and development towards next-generation metal cutting technology, introducing some technologies as examples which have been developed in Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory (MEL) of Nagoya University. The metal cutting research and development can be divided into three directions, i.e. (1) more precise cutting, (2) more efficient cutting, and (3) fully automated cutting. (1) One important research topic in the first direction is “precision or mirror-quality cutting of die steel”. Some noticeable research achievements will be surveyed, including “Elliptical Vibration Cutting” which has recently been utilized in practice. (2) In order to increase the cutting efficiency, there are three sub-directions, i.e. increase of (2-1) depth of cut, (2-2) feed rate, and (2-3) cutting speed, since the cutting efficiency is given by the product of those three parameters. These sub-directions have limitations caused mainly by chatter stability, surface roughness, and thermal tool wear, respectively. The talk will review the research and development in the first sub-direction to predict and improve the chatter stability, including some recent studies. (3) The biggest problem to achieve the fully automated cutting is chip jamming, and hence the talk will summarize the conventional chip control methods and will introduce one recent proposal, namely “chip-guiding cutting”.
Curriculum vitae
March 1984 B.Sc., Nagoya University, Japan
March 1986 M.Sc., Nagoya University, Japan
March 1989 Dr. Eng., Nagoya University, Japan
April 1989 - July 1994 Research Associate, Kobe University, Japan
August 1994 - March 2002 Associate Professor, Kobe University, Japan
October 1995 - July 1996 Visiting Researcher, University of British Columbia, Canada
April 2002- Professor, Nagoya University, Japan
Background and expertise
His research interest includes material removal processes, machine tool dynamics and control, actuators and precision machine elements. He has authored and/or co-authored more than 100 archival journal articles and has given over 200 invited presentations and seminars at various conferences, industries, foundations and universities. He has published more than 10 book chapters and received about 50 patents. Many of the invented and developed technologies have been utilized in Industry, e.g. “Elliptical Vibration Cutting” is widely utilized for ultraprecision/micro die/mold machining, and “Speed-Differing Multi-Milling” is recently utilized for mass production of precision steel plates.